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MaxIOPS Block Storage VPS : Start Your Free Trial for 5 Months, Promo Code: AQX767

Today I’ll introduce with you a VPS server provider which is the best at its price and performance wise also. They are providing World's fastest cloud server as well as Private Cloud with MaxIOPS block storage services. Start Your Free Trial for 5 Months, Use Promo Code: AQX767 Sign Up Link All cloud servers are deployed on enterprise-grade hardware. Together with Upcloud in-house developed software and proprietary MaxIOPS storage technology, you will get industry-leading performance at all times. Cloud servers are deployed in less than 45 seconds . With incredibly fast boot times, you will get up and running within minutes. Yes  Upcloud  , as the VPS provider it includes DDOS protection, Pure SSD and obviously Fair Usage i.e. no issue in the peak time (safe from noisy neighbors). I am using two VMs on Upcloud and Migrated from AWS & Azure . Azure Linux instance is very slow to rebbot . Also Linode took more time to reboot the VMs . I was very frustrat...
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How to secure Zimbra Nginx to use strong encryption ciphers for TLS ?

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How to Optimized MySQL Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 Performance for 1GB RAM VPS - Part 3

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How to install MySQL Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS - Part 2

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How to install MySQL Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS - Part 1

Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) is a fully open-source high-availability solution for MySQL. It integrates Percona Server and Percona XtraBackup with the Galera library to enable synchronous multi-source replication. MySQL clustering solution that helps enterprises minimize unexpected downtime and data loss, reduce costs, and improve the performance and scalability of your database environments. PXC supports your critical business applications in the most demanding public, private, and hybrid cloud environments.  A cluster consists of nodes, where each node contains the same set of data synchronized accross nodes. The recommended configuration is to have at least 3 nodes. You can convert an existing MySQL Server instance to a node and run the cluster using this node as a base. You can also detach any node from the cluster and use it as a regular MySQL Server instance. Benefits When you execute a query, it is executed locally on the node. All data is available locally, no need for r...

How to change default system email for root@hostname for Postfix in CentOS 7?

By default, any system email is generated by system is sent to root@hostname or system-user@hostname . So critical server errors, log errors, corn jobs alerts etc. all are sent to this default email address. Most likely you want to receive all the emails from different daemons and system components not to the user ‘root ’ but in another user that has access to emails.  To change it to different appropriate email id, we can do this by two ways.  Step 1: To do this, open /etc/aliases with your favourite editor and navigate to the end of the file. You will find something like this: # vi /etc/aliases root: To add multiple email ids, we can simply separate them by comma. root:, Run the aliases command, to compile aliases file. # newaliases # service postfix restart Step 2: We can simply create .forward file to the folder root and add email address there. # vi /root/.forward serverad...

How to install unrar with Clamav for MailScanner?

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How to Secure Postfix/Dovecot on CWP Email Server on CentOS 7?

At first I would like thank to CWP team for their great effort at $11.99. It has corporate mail features better than Cpanel and others. BTW It's my personal opinion. CWP team has changes many options on Postfix and Dovecot Configuration. It is very important to secure Postfix & Dovecot for Production server that will never expose your internal office or user home network. I did some little research and studies a lot to learn Postfix & Dovecot configuration. Lets Explain my scenario:  I have a VPS and it has two IPs. Both IP has valid PTR records . You must configure a valid FQDN for your IPs. My Details are below:  My Primary Domain:  Server FQDN :  ---  (IP for Shared Hosting) Sub-Domain   :  ---  (IP for sending Outgoing Email) Now build your Mail Server with the following options that mentioned in below snapshot Yo...