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CWP: How to Install Calendar for Rouncube

Goto the Rouncube Plugin Directory
# cd /usr/local/cwpsrv/var/services/roundcube
# composer require kolab/calendar 
Follow the snapshot instruction
Edit the configuration as follows
# vi plugins/calendar/

// backend type (database, google, kolab)
$config['calendar_driver'] = "database";

// default calendar view (agendaDay, agendaWeek, month)
$config['calendar_default_view'] = "month";

// show a birthdays calendar from the user's address book(s)
$config['calendar_contact_birthdays'] = true;

// general date format (only set if different from default date format and not user configurable)
$config['calendar_date_format'] = "dd-MM-yyyy";

// time format  (only set if different from default date format)
// $config['calendar_time_format'] = "HH:mm";

// short date format (used for column titles)
// $config['calendar_date_short'] = 'M-d';

// long date format (used for calendar title)
// $config['calendar_date_long'] = 'MMM d yyyy';

// date format used for agenda view
// $config['calendar_date_agenda'] = 'ddd MM-dd';

// timeslots per hour (1, 2, 3, 4, 6)
$config['calendar_timeslots'] = 1;

// show this number of days in agenda view
$config['calendar_agenda_range'] = 60;

// first day of the week (0-6)
$config['calendar_first_day'] = 2;

// first hour of the calendar (0-23)
$config['calendar_first_hour'] = 6;

// working hours begin
$config['calendar_work_start'] = 9;

// working hours end
$config['calendar_work_end'] = 17;
Initialize the calendar DataBase
# cd plugins/calendar/
# mysql roundcube < drivers/database/SQL/mysql.initial.sql 

Help Link:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
