Getting CSF Firewall error after CSF Updating . From 2019-12-29, MaxMind REQUIRES you to create an account on their site and to generate a license key to use their databases. Run the following Command:
Visit the following website to create new account ( and update your billing address and issue your Licence key for CSF firewall.
Now Edit your CSF configuration file & use your Key.
# csf -ra
ErrorCountry Code Lookups setting MM_LICENSE_KEY must be set in /etc/csf/csf.conf to continue using the MaxMind databases
You MUST set the following to continue using the IP lookup features of csf, otherwise an error will be generated and the features will not work.Visit the following website to create new account ( and update your billing address and issue your Licence key for CSF firewall.
Now Edit your CSF configuration file & use your Key.
# vi /etc/csf/csf.conf
MM_LICENSE_KEY = "your licence key"
CC_SRC = 1
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