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Showing posts from May, 2021

Part 2: How to install Wildcard SSL to Nginx Load Balancer on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ?

In previous tutorial We already installed and secured our Nginx Load Balancer. In this part, We are going to use Let's Encrypt Wildcard SSL for our domain. It is a free, automated, and open Certificate Authority. That means you do not need to pay charges for SSL Certificate.  Part 1: How to Configure Nginx as a Web/HTTP/HTTPS Load Balancer on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ? Once you are logged in to your server, you need to install certbot to process further. (Certbot is not available in the default ubuntu repository.) Run the below command to add ppa repository. # sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot # apt update -y # apt list --upgradable # apt upgrade -y # sudo apt install certbot # apt-cache policy certbot | grep -i Installed Generate 2048 bits Wildcard SSL for # certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges=dns --email --server --agree-tos -d * -d Now you nee...

Part 1: How to Configure Nginx as a Web/HTTP/HTTPS Load Balancer on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ?

Load balancing across multiple application instances is a commonly used technique for optimizing resource utilization, maximizing throughput, reducing latency, and ensuring fault-tolerant configurations.  It is possible to use nginx as a very efficient HTTP load balancer to distribute traffic to several application servers and to improve performance, scalability and reliability of web applications with nginx. The following load balancing mechanisms (or methods) are supported in nginx:   round-robin: requests to the application servers are distributed in a round-robin fashion,  least-connected: next request is assigned to the server with the least number of active connections,  ip-hash: a hash-function is used to determine what server should be selected for the next request (based on the client’s IP address).   Note: Please note that with round-robin or least-connected load balancing, each subsequent client’s request can be potentially distributed to a d...