7. After hosting our first parent domain, We will restart the following service and observe the output # systemctl restart cwpsrv # systemctl restart httpd # systemctl restart named Job for named.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status named.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. That's why my parent domain and below the link is not accessible : 8. Now We will fix the DNS , Go to DNS Functions >> List DNS Zones >> Now click on the "Rebuild Zone" of Parent Domain 9.Now We will create A records for our Server FQDN & Name Server as like below: 10.Please restart the following : 11. Now our Parent domain and all the links are accessible, Please check 12.Restart the following services # systemctl restart cwpsrv # systemctl restart httpd # systemctl restart named 13.After Hosting your Parent domain, Don’t forget to fix the permission Go to User Account >...
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