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How to Build Postfix + Dovecot Mail Server with Anti-Spam Solutions on CWP Server ?

By Default CWP server comes with Postfix + Dovecot + AntiSpam Solutions. We need to do some modifications on Postfix + Dovecot , for better security and high performance. In this series tutorials , We will learn how to build Postfix + Dovecot with AntiSpam Solutions . Build CWP Mail Server 1. At first, We must have a valid FQDN with DNS Records (A & PTR). To generate new FQDN , Go to Server Settings >> Change Hostname . We will 2048 key Size which is default or you can use 4096 key Size which is slower than 2048 key Size . 2. Build Postfix mail Server with AntiSpam/AntiVirus and  DKIM & SPF . Go to Email >> Mail Server Manager . Provide the FQDN and Domain then click on "Rebuild Mail Server" 3. Enable SPF & DKIM for parent Domain: Go to Email >> DKIM Manager  Check also below the directory:    TruestedHosts File Location: /etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts    SigningTable File Location: /etc/opendkim/SigningT...

How to Configure autodiscover information for mail clients to setup pop/imap/smtp settings automatically on CentOS WebPanel?

Some mail clients will use a system called "Autodiscover" to figure out which settings to use for the pop/imap/smtp settings. You can set this up if you'd like, it basically requires a subdomain and a SRV record. You can add the SRV record into any domain you want to use these settings for. If you've got a global SSL certificate in Postfix/dovecot for your hostname, this would be a good way to ensure clients use the correct value, so they don't get SSL certificate errors. Let's assume you're going to have your clients with  connect to for both IMAP and SMTP. So we have a subdomain called to store the XML, where is a Server FQDN .  1. Setup a SRV record in the DNS zone: 3600 IN SRV 10 10 443 2. Next, Creat a file named autodiscover.php on  /usr/local/apache/htdocs/ # vi /usr/local/apache/htdocs/autodiscover.php N...

How to Secure CWP Postfix and Dovecot with Lets Encrypt SSL Certificate ?

Postfix architecture is modular and contains different daemons each specifically handling only a few tasks. The most important daemons are the following: master is the main daemon that starts all the other daemons. smtpd is the SMTP server daemon handling incoming connections to receive emails from another mail server or client. smtp is the SMTP client handling outgoing connections to send email out to another mail server. local is the local delivery agent responsible for delivering email to the local server. qmgr processes and controls all messages in the mail queue. Maps are used in postfix to control email routing. Such maps are used to accept or reject email, inform postfix about local recipients and more. The main configuration files are which is the global configuration for all daemons and the which defines the runtime environment for the daemons. The configuration thereby overrides the configuration options from the Lets Secure...

How to Secure/Harden CWP Nginx Server ( Admin, Client & Webmail Panel ) with Strong Ciphers ?

By Default CWP Server is using Modified Nginx server which is called CWP server and It is used for Admin, Client & Webmail Panel Login. I am also using Let's Encrypt SSL for my CWP Admin, Client & Webmail Panel . Follow This Article : ( Part 1) CWP: How to Configure Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate for your server Hostname/FQDN on CWP7.admin N.B: I am using the below cipherlist CWP Admin Panel Link (by hostname) CWP Admin Panel Link: CWP Admin Panel Link: CWP Admin Panel SSL Link: CWP Admin Panel SSL Link:...

How to Enable logging of Email’s Subject Line in Postfix Maillog ?

By default Postfix MTA only capture ‘From’ and ‘To’ details in the log file (/var/log/maillog). There are some scenarios where we want that email’s subject should be capture in the maillog. This will very useful for email administrators when performing troubleshooting of problems related with email. There are simple steps to enable logging of the email subject in postfix maillog. We are assuming that postfix is already up and running and will make below changes. Step:1 Edit ‘/etc/postfix/’ file & uncomment below line: #header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks Step:2 Append the below line in ‘/etc/postfix/header_checks’ [at the bottom] /^Subject:/ WARN Step:3 Run postmap to apply the new configuration in /etc/postfix/header_checks [root@server1 ~]# postmap /etc/postfix/header_checks Step:4 Restart or Reload the postfix server [root@server1 ~]# systemctl restart postfix [root@server1 ~]# postfix reload Step:5  Login to your Roundcube webmail...

CWP: How to install CSF Webmin module on CWP in CentOS 7 ?

This perl module is required for Statistical Graphs available from the csf UI. It is dependent on graphical libraries being installed for your OS (e.g. libgd, libpng, etc. which is beyond the scope of this document) The perl module itself can be installed in a variety of ways, e.g.: RedHat/CentOS/CloudLinux: # yum install perl-GDGraph Direct from # perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan> install GD::Graph Webmin Module Installation/Upgrade Webmin > Webmin Configuration > Webmin Modules > From local file > /usr/local/csf/csfwebmin.tgz > Install Module Uninstallation : Removing csf and lfd is even more simple: # cd /etc/csf # sh uninstall.s The Article Based on:

PostfixAdmin: Invalid query: Table 'postfix.vacation_notification' doesn't exist,

Bug Fix: After login, click on “Fetch email” I got error “Invalid query: FUNCTION postfix.FROM_BASE64 does not exist” To fix it, edit /home/username/public_html/postfixadmin/model/PFAHandler.php at line 572: # vi /home/datahead/public_html/postfixadmin/model/PFAHandler.php $base64_decode = "###KEY###"; Unable to Delete any Email Address: When I am trying to delete any email address, I'm getting below the error Login to PhpMyAdmin using root user   and select the postfix database from left side and Select SQL and paste the below code then click on go button . CREATE TABLE `vacation_notification` ( `on_vacation` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `notified` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `notified_at` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`on_vacation`,`notified`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COMMENT='Postfix Admin - Virtual Vacation Notifications'; Helpful Link: Link 1 Link 2